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Schedule an ultivate program to develop an enriching psychological health framework tailored to your personal, social and professional aspirations. 

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Ultivate is a psychosocial initiative created to participate in the cultivation of flourishing modern psychological health.


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Programs for you...

Ultivate utilises evidence-based methods to enhance human performance and alleviate psychological distress, ensuring that every step you take with us enhances the quality of your intellectual, social and professional life.


These programs help you with your clinical concerns. Ultivate uses evidence-based treatments to understand and handle a number of psychological conditions. We carefully assess any worrisome symptoms using well-empirical methods and psychometric tools to ensure best practices.

Personal Issues


These programs support professionals and start-ups in establishing clarity of vision and shared purpose for enriched work experiences. We unpack best practices and psychosocial health to prevention models, psychological safety and enhanced professional performance for better living. 

Professional Issues


How do ultivate programs help?

Keep reading to subscribe or schedule your complimentary consultation and learn how an ultivate program can help you or your team cultivate psychological health and advance your dreams and aspirations. 


Modern professionals across the planet are ditching the burnout hustle. You're still chasing dreams but also want to be grounded in nourishing love relationships, a healthy body, a clear mind, and enriching projects that energise you. That's where Ultivate comes in.


An Ultivate Clinician is anchored in the psycho-social health of game changers, creatives, innovators, industry disruptors and their community of supporters.


At Ultivate, we consider industry disruptors unique thinkers who shake up sectors with society-enhancing innovation models.


These thinkers challenge the status quo, improving or surpassing established beliefs by sometimes even creating brand-new markets. They rewrite the rules, embrace collaboration, and might even invent entirely new ways of doing things.


If this sounds even slightly like you, Ultivate is here to support your psychological health journey with the strengths of modern psychological science.


We draw on the latest research to tailor individual consultations or workspace programs to your unique personality. It's not just about fixing problems but amplifying your human potential.


Our Aussie-registered psychologists are centred on understanding your strengths, whether you're a solopreneur or a project leader.


"We use psychological methods to build upon

your natural brilliance."


Ultivate sessions can happen online from the comfort of your home, in pre-approved workspaces, or in any learning space that suits you.

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Should the initial consultation not meet your current psychological needs, your psychologist will create a report of findings that includes a list of recommendations and alternate service options. 

Book a 15-minute telephone appointment today!

Andy Solange, Founder and Psychologist

"Psychological science has the potential to enrich our lives in countless ways, and it's now more accessible than ever. Ultivate will help you access evidence-based methods from the comfort of your own home or workspace."



Understanding the psychology of your personality isn't just for the corporate elite - it's something that can benefit anyone. By working with an Ultivate psychologist, you can learn about the strengths and limits of your personality. This knowledge can help you gain insight and help you modify your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions.


Personality psychology is the scientific discipline that studies the personality system, seeking to understand how a person's dominant psychological patterns influence their relationships with themselves, their work, and others. It also reveals how people are distinct due to the psychological forces that make up their personalities.


Ultivate does not provide in-crisis or emergency appointments.  


Ultivate does not provide support for legal matters such as worker's compensation or family court. Nor can it service individuals experiencing crises or issues concerning suicidality, domestic violence, self-harm, substance dependencies, personality disorders or psychosis. For these concerns, you are encouraged to see your Doctor or contact the numbers below to access more appropriate referral options and avoid unnecessary delays in accessing the appropriate support for these concerns.


For life-threatening

emergencies always call 000


For access to immediate mental health

support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14



In Queensland, a 24-hour mental health access line service exists as the main point of access to public mental health services. It can provide support, information, and advice in a mental health emergency or crisis. It is staffed by trained and experienced professional mental health clinicians who will provide a mental health triage and refer to acute care teams where appropriate.


To access this number, call 1300 642 255


This confidential mental health telephone triage service provides Queenslanders with the first point of contact for public mental health services in Queensland.

It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will link to the

caller's nearest Public Mental Health Service.


​Below are a set of free resources to discuss with a trusted source or take to your Doctor.



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Ultivate is a developing initiative created to participate in the cultivation of modern psychological health. 

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